
Goodbye Texas

As sad as it is, we are leaving Fort Worth, Texas tomorrow. We have absolutely loved being here. Ben's assignment for work is complete and so we must return to the real world. A world where there are more requirements, no maids, no free meals, no swimming pools, no Trinity Park, no Fort Worth skyline, no Half Price Books, no Fort Worth Botanical or Water Gardens. There will be no more me picking up my sweetheart at 4:00 and spending the rest of the day together. I will go back to working til 6:00 and we will pretend that a few hours a day is ok and wish for our trust fund to come in so we can forget work and bills and spend time doing what really matters. I won't get to spend my days working from the hotel with the best cat in the world, I will miss my friend as I work in an actual office back home in Utah. I have tried very hard this week not to be sad but to be grateful for the last 2.5 months, grateful to my sweet husband for bringing Pete and I with him to Texas. For the time we've had to enjoy and explore this beautiful place. So, here's to Fort Worth. To new friends Megan, Jeff and Kabella. Thank you girls, the adventures were unforgettable! To the many new books we acquired while here, to beautiful smog free skies, to snow days off work, to spending extra time with my wonderful family and most of all, here's to a bright tomorrow. Catch you on the flip side.

Great to be home

It's great to be home at the end of day. Here are my favorite males in the whole world reconnecting after a long day at work (well, one of them worked, the other kept the bed warm). They are so sweet. I love this picture.

Pete the cat definitely thinks that this is our home now. He's such a great traveler. He gets really into wherever he is.

He loves loves the great sunspots we have in our hotel most afternoons. He also loves that he gets his own sign to hang from the door: "Four legged guest," finally he gets the respect he deserves.

Fort Worth Botanical Gardens part 2

I went to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens by myself the other day. Our camera accompanied me and these are some of my favorites. I adore it there. The gardens are so vast. It makes you feel like you could just about get lost in there and wander forever looking at beautiful things and breathing fresh air. I just can't believe how many wonderful and free things Fort Worth has to offer.

This is one of the many random sculptures scattered throughout the gardens. I love it. It's got such great shape and color.

This last picture is part of a Vietman War memorial. According to "this monument is actually a thank you -from- members of Charlie Company for the support of the City of Fort Worth during the Vietnam War. It's way way at the back of the gardens and a very enjoyable spot to rest and listen to the "sounds of silence," so to speak.