
The Lyndon B Johnson library and Inner Space Caverns.

Over President's Day Weekend we went to Austin, Texas. Austin is about three hours south of Fort Worth. What a crazy city. We had a great time but were amazed at the traffic! Just packed! It took us 4.5 hours to get back to Fort Worth. While we were in Austin, we went to the Lyndon B. Johnson presidential library and museum a couple of times. It was such a neat place. There was so much to see and learn and do. We especially enjoyed all the political pins they had on display and in the gift shops from many years of presidential elections. Really entertaining and funny. We purchased about 25 and are excited to put them out for display when we get back to SLC. We really enjoyed the actual old fashioned telephone booths in the basement and had to try them out. Remember when we liked privacy while placing phone calls? Weird wild stuff! :)Also, excuse my risque outfit. Didn't realize that my shirt was pulled up, insert wolf whistle now, I know I know!

We had the unique "pleasure" of staying in a Red Roof Inn while down in Austin. Actually, the Inn was about 15 minutes back north from Austin because all the other places we tried were FULL. We had never ever had that experience before. Neither Ben nor I had ever stayed in a Red Roof Inn and it was probably the last time we will. The place was so dirty we didn't dare put our bare feet on the floor and it smelled like pee. The bathroom floor was cleaner BY THE TOILET than anywhere else and that's saying something. We didn't sleep much that night because we kept imagining all the things that could be in bed with us. We did get $10 off our bill the next morning due to the dirt, and now have a great story to tell and laugh about, so, the experience was worth it.

We also stopped in Georgetown about 30 minutes north of Austin and took a tour of some really incredible caves. Ben and I both adore exploring caves and had a fantastic time on the tour. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if we could have gone off trail. Darn people "preserving" the stalagmites and all. haha.

It was a great trip for one and all!


Walking along the Trinity River

Here are a few images taken while wandering the path that follows the Trinity River in Fort Worth, TX. The path starts in Trinity Park right next to our hotel and supposedly goes for 30 miles when all is said and done. It's amazing and so so pretty. Here are a few favorites from walking down the river trail for an hour (it only took 20 minutes to walk back, funny isn't it?). The buildings on the far side of the river make up part of down town Fort Worth. I don't know what the abandoned building is, other than spectacularly cool, or who painted the fish but they are excellent. Enjoy!

One last image. This is how we found Pete the other day. Is he the luckiest cat in the world or what?


Fort Worth Botanical Gardens

We are still here in Fort Worth, TX. It's still fantastic,we love it so much.

I met a really great girl named Megan a month or so ago. Her husband works with mine and she and her daughter were here with him for a few weeks. One day when our husbands were at work Megan, her darling daughter and I went to the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. We had the best time. Megan has a fab camera and took these pictures. I just got them from her and wanted to put them up here. Thanks Megan!

One of my very favorite things about Fort Worth is the large spaces they have dedicated to nothing but having peaceful happy moments. There are tons of parks, my favorite: Trinity Park, a huge botanical garden, an amazing water garden and so much more. AND it's all FREE. How wonderful.


Wandering in Fort Worth 2-7-11

Here are a few of my favorites from wandering on foot through Trinity Park and nearby areas yesterday. I love Trinity Park. It is huge and wooded and quiet. Today, I followed a road called Fochs that shoots off from the park, just to see where it went. Turns out, that little road leads to the Will Rogers Memorial Arena. How cool. Then, as I continued my walk, I got to watch a small carnival being torn down. I love little carnivals, they remind me of times gone by. Nostalgic times that I didn't get to live through but nevertheless, feel a fondness for. There is something so freeing about just setting out on foot, to see where the road leads.