
Sundance Resort 4 - The Lift


C. Stover said...

I like the lines on the last one here =) Just FYI, when I went to fill out the 'word verification' thing to post this comment(which is usually just random letters) it read - dorkrzu. Kinda like a bad license plate don't ya think? what a message for the morning?!?

Kara Boulden said...

Oh, that's awesome! Totally sounds like a license plate! hahaha! That's so funny! And you're right, all a person needs in the morning is to be told they're a dork! Ok, I anytime I guess! :)

I'm glad you like the lines in that pic! I was thinking maybe I took too many pics of the lift but I loved it so much. It was just so neat looking!

OH, my verification says: evohir. Sounds like license plate for "over here!" COOL! :)