
Riany Day Adventures: South of Toole, Not quite to Ophir, UT; native plants, old object along the road-mailbox? Oven?


C. Stover said...

That is a stange thing....along the lines of an oven - a smoker?

Kara Boulden said...

Don't know ,though, honestly I think your idea of a smoker may be dead on, (haha, I'm so punny! :) It sure is cool though, whatever it is. AND it was really fun to find such a wierd thing right next to the road all by itself.

Side note, the sage in these pictures smelled better than anything I'd smelled before. I had no idea that they smelled so good in the rain. I wish I could have bottled it. Then I could have enjoyed it more as well as send some your way!:)